Monday, December 15, 2008


To those who have subscribed to my blog, welcome! More than my best friend and Mr. E read my blog apparently. Although I didn’t create this blog to have people read it (ok ok I did want one comment that, again, wasn’t from Mr. E or my best friend), it has been cathartic and a fantastic way to reflect on myself as a nurse and the nursing experience.


There is a posting for an MSN-trained nurse to teach a university undergrad nursing research methods and stats course.

I have always thought I would teach if I didn’t go into healthcare, and I have experience teaching First Aid and Advanced First Aid.



The Old Man said...

If you'd regret not trying, you should do it. You must hold to your values.

Somenurse said...

go for it. but dont quite your day job, education doesnt pay.

Unknown said...

I agree with artillerywifecq. You won't make any money teaching which sucks because the good old student loans must be paid off.