Friday, May 15, 2009


A year goes by so quickly.

It was around this time last year that I was hobbling myself (because of a broken patella) to citywide ED orientation. I was so excited about getting into the ED and learning so much.

Today, I wouldn't call it excited- more settled but still glad to be there- and feeling much more confident.

I still don't know a lot, and I'm learning everyday. However I now can look after all my patients on my own and help out my teammates. I have seen chests cracked open, people go into Afib right in front of my eyes, and septic patients tank as I work desperately to help them get better.

I have learned about more medical conditions that I have never heard about before. Who know what labyrinthitis was when they were in nursing school?

I'm starting to feel more part of the team, versus that 'new grad'. To those just graduating, I'm no longer the new grad. People are actually going to go to ME for help and for advice. Scary.

Thank you so far for your support. In the last few months I have been so swamped at work, and feeling fairly overwhelmed that I didn't feel I had anything to contribute to this blog. I just wanted to get away from work. Now I'm starting to get back into it (I guess vacation can do that!).

Yours at the bedside,

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