I am incredibly proud to be a first-time host of Change of Shift. I'm new to the profession of nursing (graduated in April!) and am learning the ropes of becoming a good nurse.
This edition will allow you to go back in time to your days of nursing school and thinking about your first experiences as a nurse.
These nursing students look happy while learning to measure medication for their patients. If only all of nursing school gives people that much joy!
Mofo at nerdy (not quite) nurse is in the thick of nursing school. She's finding it not what she thought it would be. Head over there to give her some support! Don't worry Mofo, wanting to become a good nurse is the first step. Keep with it.
RN and continuous student and ED nurse Disappearing John hates losing, especially when it is a young patient. Check out I hate losing... .
Nursing school and nursing itself is not just about the bedside, it's also about fun! Mother Jones at Nurse Ratched's Place, being the amazing nurse she is, can't decide what to wear to a banquet.It has been said that the first few years of nursing is some of the toughest. Jane at New Nurse Jane doesn't have much time to breathe as she describes her day as a busy telemetry nurse. Just reading her post makes me dizzy!
NP's save lives is a new NP whose challenge lies in NP/physician Can't We All Just Get Along?
Newly graduated nurse Locolorenzo says it all when he quotes. "Hands that heal, hands that love, They lift you up, when you're not strong enough." Check out this post.
Not suited for bedside nursing, or want to explore additional and holistic health practices? Check out Kate at Alternative Nursing Careers.
Jacob has been busy! Check it out: He's finished preceptorship, obtained a RN position, moved, graduated, signed up for NCLEX, worked a temporary position doing computer work, got a new cat, etc. Phew!
Sometimes we are intimidated by our professors. Caroline at Brain Scramble was surprised to hear about the personal life of her professor, and how the news thus changed her perspective.
Nurse Laura covers some new grad nursing tips and welcomes nurses in the nursing world in her blog on NurseConnect titled, Welcome New Nursing Grads. She also has great insights on Difficult Patients.
Have you heard any of these Nursing Superstitions yet?
Not within the theme but fantastic posts:
Jose DeJesus MD presents Medical Care Funding Crisis posted at Physician Entrepreneur.
Dr Penna discusses new proposals by FDA to change blood donation rules for those tested positive for Hep B in 1980s and 1990s
Alvaro Fernandez explores brain training in the elderly Brain Health Business Grows With Research and Demand posted at Sharp Brains.
Jennifer Bunn, RN asks the question: Should doctors be able to turn patients away if they disagree with their lifestyle choice?
Want some tips for taking care of your back? Dean Moyer has a great article on What To Do If Your Back Goes Out.
Finally, ERMurse discusses the use of Technology in nursing, specifically the Emergency Medical Record.
I hope you've enjoyed this Change of Shift. The next addition will be June 12th at Nurse Ratched's Place. Submit your articles to nurseratchedsplace at yahoo dot com.
Image/Photo credits:
Nursing History Digitization Project
Advance Healthcare Shop
Great job! I love the cartoons. :)
Thanks for including my post.
Great Change of Shift.
I've now added even more bloggers to Google Reader.
Now I have more distractions to keep me from studying for the NCLEX.
thanks so much for the link! you did a great job. as soon as i'm back in town, i'll link from my site. congrats on your graduation!! :)
Great job! Thanks for the link and yours is to come. Thanks for including my post in the edition. I look forward to reading your blog. Congrats on graduating!
Good Job! :)
Well written article.
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